Letter from Anthony French Open Space Officer for the Cambridge City Council
Dear All,
Below is information relating to the development of the new Tree Strategy for Cambridge, I would be grateful if you could circulate amongst the membership to give the opportunity to participate in this
important piece of work. The strategy will guide the council’s management of trees in the city.
This work on the tree strategy is at an early stage and as part of this process, the council is holding interactive workshops on the following dates and times:
15th March at the Cherry Hinton Village Centre 12 -7pm
21st March at the Meadows Centre 12 – 7pm
23rd March at the Guildhall 12 – 8pm
Residents are invited to drop into any of these sessions and talk to council officers about different aspects of tree management in areas like new neighborhoods, local nature reserves, and parks and open spaces. Council officers will collect residents’ thoughts and ideas and use these to develop the strategy.
As part of these events, the council is organising specific slots for round table discussions and these sessions will be held at 2.30pm and 6pm. Please let us know in advance if you would like to attend one of these round table sessions, or if you would like to be kept informed of events and progress by emailing us on [email]treesconsultations@cambridge.gov.uk[/email]
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