In September 2012, it was agreed by the City’s drainage engineer (Simon Bunn) that the grille, or trash screen, against the culvert that carries the flow in Cherry Hinton Brook under Daws Lane, should be removed, as the water level in the brook constantly backs up against it due to the debris and rubbish that collects there. In addition, the screen is very difficult to clean. The raised water level has an adverse effect on the brook improvements that were initiated in the summer of 2012. In response to an inquiry by the Friends, Simon has sent his apologies (26 March) that the grille was still in place, and has informed us as follows:
“We have had discussion with a number of companies regarding the use of booms as an alternative to the screen and have come to the conclusion that they would not work in this location. So we have decided to just remove the grille and monitor the situation. I sent an order to a contractor 3 weeks ago but I know they are busy with other work for us as it is year end.”
The Friends hope it will not be much longer before the grille is removed, but we will need to monitor the effect on the next culvert downstream, under the path to the allotments.
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