Concerns are often expressed about the effect of ivy in the hall grounds. The City Council’s view has been expressed by their wildlife officer, Guy Belcher, as follows:
“Whilst excessive growth of ivy can accelerate the eventual collapse of already declining trees and branches our tree officers recognise its value for wildlife, being a good native evergreen it provides year round cover for nesting and roosting, a late nectar source for insects and a heavy winter berry crop for the birds.
“For this reason we try and maintain mature ivy on the site. Where it is necessary to inspect trees for structural faults or signs of disease it may be necessary to remove the ivy. This is best done outside of the nesting season (late Feb to early August). The simplest most cost effect solution is to severe the ivy close the base and allow it to die back. If no tree defects are detected it is then allowed to regrow.
“If the group feel there are particular feature trees that would benefit from ivy removal than I’m sure officers would be happy to agree certain works being undertaken by the friends on future work parties.”
The policy of the Friends’ committee is to follow the City Council’s professional advice in such matters. If you have any particular concerns about specific threats to trees from the overgrowth of ivy, then pleas do contact us or comment through this website.
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