Friends of Cherry Hinton Hall group website

Decision Time for Master Plan and City Farm

A decision on whether to proceed with funding (£900,000) and works as detailed in the Master Plan will be made at the City Council’s Community Services Committee on 14 October. The meeting is open to the public and takes place at 1.30 pm in Committee Room 2 at the Guildhall in Market Square.

A copy of the agenda papers can be found at:

One key aspect for the Committee to decide is whether in principle the Master Plan can be amended in order to accommodate a City Farm in the former Propagation Centre area. You’ll see the agenda papers suggest that a ‘feasibility study’ is undertaken to see if the City Farm can be accommodated, and that the body of the report suggests the study should look at alternative sites in the city too.

The City Farm people have also now provided some details of what is envisaged – scroll down from the top of the page to see the appendices:

Amongst the appendices you’ll also find a full copy of the consultation results and the report from consultant Phil Back.

Members of the Friends Committee will be speaking at the meeting. Representatives from the City Farm project will also put their case, and we understand that the City Farm has also enlisted children from the Spinney Primary School to speak for its inclusion. The press will also be there to cover the story.

It would be great to have members there to listen and to provide support.

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