Sadly, on Tuesday 8th March the Muskovy duck, who had been resident at the pond for a while, died. He was quite a character and our member Judy Webb, who has been feeding the ducks in the harsh weather, used to feed him by hand. He will be missed by many.
The new play equipment and the new slide are now in and when I saw them, really busy with lots of children having fun. I asked both parents and the children if they liked it and was told….They love it!
On Wednesday 16th March at 7.30pm our meeting is in the Baptist Centre, Fishers Lane in Cherry Hinton. This month we have Jenny Parker from Hearing Dogs For Deaf People. Come and meet some puppies in training and a trained hearing dog with her recipient and find out how this organisation works. There will be merchandise for sale, also refreshments and a raffle – prizes appreciated. This helps us to pay for the hall.
The new boards and benches are in and delighting the children who are playing on them. The information boards are well received too. If you have not had a chance to see them yet, don’t forget you can come and help plant up the new wild flower meadow, directly behind the Nature Play Area on Saturday 26th March when there will be a Community Action Day with the council officers. All welcome!!
Meet by the pond from 10am and help with the planting, clearing the weir and litter picking to name just a few of the jobs on the list.
Bring some tools, the kids, a flask and your wellies and help – even half an hour of your time will make a difference!
Hope to see you there,
Sandra Day
FCHH Committee
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